Behringer Umc404hd Driver

Hi, I recently purchased a behringer Umc404hd. I updated the drivers to 4.38. In audacity I'm only getting an option to record line 1-2 umc 404hd or 3-4 umc 404hd. It won't allow me to record all 4 which is what I need. I looked around online and seen if I went back to a previous driver 3.29, it would allow me to record all 4 inputs in audacity. Behringer UMC404HD U-Phoria Interface The incredible Behringer U-PHORIA UMC404HD bridges the gap between your creativity and your fans. It would often lose connectivity after computer sleep. Play back works for the fews few seconds but then the audio degrades and eventually stops all together.

Behringer Umc404hd DriverBehringerI read in this Ardour forum topic that the big brother of the Behringer UMC 404HD, the UMC 1820, is quite well supported in Linux. I see in the picture below - that was posted there - that Jack 'sees' multiple outputs from that USB audio interface that can be connected to multiple tracks in Ardour to simultaneously record a bass, a guitar, a synth etc.:
I want to know if the 404HD does this as well (with less output ports off course)? Because I want an audio interface with which I can record multiple tracks

Behringer Umc404hd Drivers Mac


Behringer Umc404hd Driver Update

at the same time


in a DAW.

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