Kofax License Activation

  1. Kofax License Activation Form
  2. Kofax License Activation Tool
  3. Kofax Express License Activation
  4. Kofax License Activation Online
Kofax License Activation

Every device that you use with Kofax software requires a valid license. This version of ShareScan uses a digitally signed license file, which contains a unique license key generated by Manufacturing. The license key is a unique ID that is associated with the hardware ID (HID) of the computer where the ShareScan database is installed.

When you install a license key, you can activate the device’s license immediately after you add it to the local license database (recommended), or you can activate it later. You have 30 days to activate the license after the first device is added to the system. During activation, a license is associated the SQL server namewhere the ShareScan database is installed.

Link - There you can find free trial program by Kofax. Have a nice day. @Osvaldo Dulo (Customer) you can request Kofax maybe. Alternatively if you just want to test your robot on Design Studio, you can point the Design Studio 10.2 to Kofax RPA 11 Management Console.

It is also possible to designate a computer as a failover server that can be used in case of the failure of the computer that runs the database server used for the ShareScan system.

You need to activate a license only once. If you try to add more devices than the total number specified in the license file, the system displays an error. You need to purchase additional licenses for the additional devices.

To manually activate a Kofax VRS 5.x Elite license: Click the Manual button on the License Panel in the Administration Console. The Manual Activation Window will display the part number, serial number, product code and machine ID. Click the Create File button. We tried installing Kofax Total Agility & activated our license code but later we uninstalled it due to some issues and now on the same machine if we retry to install. Reviewed Current Machine ID showing on our License utility vs. The provided Activation window screenshot. Confirmed Machine ID mismatch. Requested License deactivation from an authority (Inside Sales or Sr.

In case you need to reinstall the ShareScan system including the creation of the configuration database, import the licenses you have activated previously on the same database server, and after the add/import, perform the activation for these licenses. Until the HID of the database server is the same, activate the licenses in case of a reinstall.

  • Licensing in this version of ShareScan is different from ShareScan 4.x licensing, which was based on the association of a product key with a device. Licensing is no longer associated with a particular device, but the SQL server name, SQL Server instance name and the name of the database (catalog). In v5.2, only the SQL Server name and the instance name were used (since the database name was mandatory), in this version, eCopy ShareScan is free to select any database name.
  • If you have reinstalled the operating system, changed the hard drive or modified the hardware of the computer used as a database server, or the database server is running on a totally different computer, then the activation will not be successful and you have to contact Kofax technical support.

Site licenses, valid for activation with a predefined number of devices, are also available. After a license file is created for the specified number of devices, it cannot be modified to increase the number of devices; if you purchase additional devices, you need to purchase additional licenses, and those licenses will be delivered as separate license files. When you load the new license file, the Administration Console can merge the original license file with the new file.

After adding a license, you can add one or more embedded or integrated devices to the Manager. (You can add these devices at any time. However, if you add them before activating the license, a 30-day grace period starts for the license.)

For ScanStation systems, the local device is automatically added; then, when the administrator selects the driver, the system verifies the validity of the license file.

This ShareScan version includes a Licensing Wizard, which handles the following license-related tasks:

  • Loading licenses
  • Activating licenses
  • Loading activated licenses
  • Removing licenses
  • Generating license reports
  • Allocated devices

The following options can also be accessed in the Wizard:

  • License Key: Displays all the available license keys.
  • Feature Name: Displays all the available features.
  • Refresh: Refreshes the license grid from database.

Licenses needed:

Kofax License Activation Form

  • Devices: the number of devices for which license is not available.
  • Users: the number of users for whom license is not available (Business Connect).

Loading licenses

You can use the automatic license download function, or import the license files. If no internet connection can be detected, only the second option is available.

  1. Click the Load license button of the License Wizard. The Welcome screen is displayed. Read the instructions carefully, and ensure that this is the operation you want to perform.
  2. Click Next to continue.
  3. Select Download license automatically when specifying the source. The Automatic license download screen is displayed.
  4. Copy the license keys of the licenses to download in the text box. Click Add after each. When the list below is complete, click Next. The Load screen is displayed.If you selected Import license from file and clicked Next, the Select license file to load screen appears.
  5. Click the Browse button to add new files to the list of files to be imported. When finished, click Next. The Load screen is displayed.
  6. Click Start to begin loading licenses.
  7. Click Finish to close the License Wizard.

Activating licenses

You need to activate a license only once; thereafter, it is associated with the computer where the ShareScan database is installed.

You do not need to activate the licenses immediately to start to use ShareScan. You have a 30-day grace period that allows full functionality for ShareScan. Activate the licenses only if you are sure that the SQL Server used for the ShareScan system (either the local one installed with ShareScan or an existing one) are the final one, as the activation process binds the licenses to the SQL Server machine.

  1. Click the Activate button of the License Wizard. The Welcome screen is displayed. Read the instructions carefully, and ensure that this is the operation you want to perform.
  2. Click Next to continue. The server name and the Hardware ID of the currently used database server are displayed on screen.
  3. Check the Use Failover Server ID for activation check box, if you want to set up a failover database server. Enter the ID manually, if you previously have run the gethwfp.exe tool. The command line tool displays a 12-character long ID you have to enter manually into this input field. The /help parameter displays the available parameter list in the command line window.
  4. Click Next to continue.
  5. If you have an active Internet connection on the computer where you use the ShareScan Administrator Console, select Automatic activation on the Select activation mode screen, then click Next
  6. Click Start. Automatic activation will be started via Internet. After finishing the automatic activation, the Results screen is displayed, showing the success or the error status of the individual licenses.
  7. If you do not have an active Internet connection on the computer, select the Manual activation option.
  8. Click Next to continue. The Output file creation / Activation screen is displayed.
  9. Click Start to begin activation. The Specify file output screen is displayed.
  10. Specify a folder and a file name for the ZIP file that contains the licenses to be activated. Transfer this file to a portable media or to a network share.
  11. Upload the resulting file to the activation server via the activation website. Follow the instructions provided on the web page. After the successful activation, the server automatically sends the files back and you can save and transfer the files back to the connectionless computer running the Administration Console.
  12. Click Load Activated licenses to import the file.
  13. Click Next to continue.
  14. Click Finish to close the License Wizard.

Loading activated licenses

Use this option when importing already activated licenses to ShareScan.

  1. Click the Load activated button of the License Wizard. The Welcome screen is displayed. Read the instructions carefully, and ensure that this is the operation you want to perform.
  2. Click Next to continue. The Select license files to load screen is displayed.
  3. Click the Browse button to add new files to the list of files to be imported. When finished, click Start import.
  4. Click Start to begin loading licenses.
  5. Click Finish to close the License Wizard.

Reactivating licenses

Reactivation is necessary when the hardware running the database server is replaced, or when the whole system is rebuilt and the same licenses are re-used on the new system, having a different hardware for the SQL database Server. In the latter case, the licenses should be loaded to the empty system as described above, and they will not be activated on this new system. As those licenses have been activated previously, Reactivation is needed instead of automatic or manual activation.

Kofax license activation tool
  1. Click the Reactivate button of the License Wizard. The Welcome screen is displayed. Read the instructions carefully, and ensure that this is the operation you want to perform.
  2. Click Next to continue.
  3. Check the Use Failover Server ID for activation check box. There are three options to specify the HWFP of the failover server:
    1. Use a previously specified ID (if there is one)
    2. Enter it manually, if you previously have run the gethwfp.exe tool on the computer where the failover database is installed, or will be installed. The command line tool displays a 12-character long ID you have to enter manually into this input field.
    3. If the SQL Server is already up and running on the computer you want to use as a failover machine, enter the server name (including the instance name separated with a backslash, if a named instance is used), the sa user name and password, then click the Read ID button. An sa account is required to perform the HWFP read operation.
  4. Click Next to continue.
  5. If you have an active Internet connection on the computer where you use the ShareScan Administrator Console, select Automatic activation on the Select activation mode screen, then click Next
  6. Click Start. Automatic activation will be started via Internet. After finishing the automatic activation, the Results screen is displayed, showing the success or the error status of the individual licenses.
  7. If you do not have an active Internet connection on the computer, select the Manual activation option.
  8. Click Next to continue. The Specify file output screen is displayed.
  9. Enter the output file name and the path of the collected licenses.
  10. Click Next to continue. The Output file creation screen is displayed.
  11. Click Start to create the output file.
  12. Click Finish to close the License Wizard.
  13. Send the resulting file to Kofax technical support with your reactivation request. After processing the request, the reactivated licenses will be sent back as a zip file, and can be loaded into the system via the Load activated function (described above).

Removing licenses

Use this option when transferring licenses from the current ShareScan installation. After the removal is complete, the licenses can be safely transferred.

  1. Click the Remove button of the License Wizard. The Welcome screen is displayed. Read the instructions carefully, and ensure that this is the operation you want to perform.
  2. Click Next to continue. The Select licenses screen is displayed.
  3. Select the licenses you want to remove and then click Next.
  4. Click Start to remove the selected licenses.
  5. Click Finish to close the License Wizard.

Generating a license report

The license report helps you create a report of the installed licenses. It is recommended to generate a license report whenever you activate your licenses. Keep the report in a safe place in case you need to restore the license information or for troubleshooting purposes.

  1. Click the License report button of the License Wizard. A Save As dialog box is displayed.
  2. Browse to a preferred location where you want store license report file (optional).
  3. Specify the name of the license report file in the File name field.
  4. Click Save to save the license report file.

Instructions how to activate a CaptureBites product


1. Introduction
2. Activating a Kofax Express connector
3. Activating a Kofax Capture connector
4. Activating AutoBites
5. Activating Commander
6. Finding Kofax Express license information
7. Finding Kofax Capture / TotalAgility license information
8. Finding the Bar Code Generator computer id
9. Activating MetaServer
10. Requesting an Activation Code

Most CaptureBites products work in demo mode when they are not activated. In demo mode, a demo seal will be stamped in all exported images.

You can switch from demo mode to full production mode by entering an activation code which you can purchase from our partners.

You can continue using any of the jobs you configured in demo mode after activating the software.

After you have purchased a CaptureBites product, you will receive a permanent activation code by email.

Just follow below instructions to activate your product.

  1. Install the Kofax Express export connector on the system with an activated production license of Kofax Express
  2. Start Kofax Express
  3. Select the Job Setup Tab
  4. Press Setupnext to the CaptureBites product you have installed,
  5. Press Activatein the bottom right of the setup window and enter the Activation Code. Press Activate.

In Kofax Capture, after installing the CaptureBites connector, open the Kofax Capture Administration module and add the connector to a document class.

You do so by right-clicking on a document class in Kofax Capture.

  1. Install AutoBiteson the system with an activated production license of Kofax Express
  2. Start AutoBites
  3. Press the Setupbutton in the main AutoBites window.
  4. Press Activateand enter the Activation Code. Press Activate.
  1. Install CaptureBites Commander on the system with an activated production license of Kofax Express
  2. Start Commander
  3. Press Activateand enter the Activation Code. Press Activate.

To generate an Activation code we will need your serial number and Kofax Express license level. You can easily find that information using the following steps:

In Kofax Express, open the HelpTab, click Deactivate, make a copy of the license information (Part Number and Serial Number) click Cancel, and include the information with your order or request for trial license.

NOTE: Finding the Kofax TotalAgility license information is very similar to that of Kofax Capture.

To generate an activation code we will need your serial number and page count level. You can easily find that information using the following steps:

  • In Kofax Capture, after installing a CaptureBites connector,
  • open the Kofax Capture Administration module,
  • add the connector to a document class by right clicking the document class and selecting Export Connectors…
  • open the connector’s setup and click the License…button. Below is a screen shot for the email connector, but the procedure is similar for the Alfresco, Box, IBM CMOD and OpenText Content Server connectors.

Kofax License Activation Tool

  • Check whether your license is activated. If the Activation status is Yes, you can immediately test the connector and you don’t need to request a trial code.

If the Activation Status is No,right click on the product you want to activate and include the information with your order or request for time trial license.

To generate an activation code for the Bar Code Generator:

1. We need your computer id.

2. Install the Bar Code Generator from here.

3. Find the computer id by pressing the License… button in the main Bar Code Generator window.

4. Copy the computer id and include it in your request.

If your MetaServer is unlicensed, the following window will pop-up with 3 options:

Kofax Express License Activation

1) Request a Serial Number: choose this option if you don't already have a valid MetaServer license. This opens our website with a Request for a MetaServer Serial Number form (see screenshot on the right, click the image to enlarge).

You can choose if you want to request a trial license or if you want to activate your purchased license. Fill out the rest of the required fields and press Submit. We will email you your serial number within 24 hours.
2) I have a Serial Number: choose this option if you already have a valid MetaServer serial number. This will open the Licenses tab where you can enter your serial number.
3)Cancel: use this option to use MetaServer in unlicensed mode. Unlicensed mode means you can create workflows, but you can't use them in run time. The activation window will always pop-up when opening Validation, so you still have the option to request a trial serial number or enter a production serial number in the Licenses tab.

When you have received a serial number, enter it in the Serial Number input box and enter your company and contact information.

Kofax License Activation Online

If you have been upgraded from a trial to a production license or requested to test an additional module to your existing production license, please press the 'Refresh' button to activate these changes.

After a successful activation, you will see the activated module(s) with a “Licensed” or “Expires on [Date]” status, if the production license is limited in time.

For more info about activating MetaServer for the first time, please follow this help guide.

Most CaptureBites products work in demo mode when they are not activated. In demo mode, a demo seal will be stamped in all exported images.

If you want to try out a product in full production mode without any limitation we can email you a trial activation code. Just press the below button and follow the instructions in the request form.

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